Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't been blogging as much. My roommate and I have been mildly sick for the past few weeks so we haven't been doing much adventuring. This weekend was a stay-at-home and watch movies weekend. Since I discovered what I really want to do and where I really want to be, it's been harder to stay focused on the now. But it's gets better every day!
From riding the train, to walking to streets, I've noticed a few minor, yet huge, differences between Oregon and New York.
1) The houses don't have garages. I work in Long Island, there aren't skyscrapers and thousands of people. There are rows and rows of houses with a few main roads of businesses. The houses look different, they're long and skinny, they're mostly brick, and they don't have garages! A lot of people here take public transit such as cabs, Ubers, and train, so garages are needed less. Also, when home owners do have cars the just park on the street... or in their backyard.
2) The backyards are paved! I see rows and rows of backyards for a couple hours a day and probably 80% of them are completely or mostly paved. Sometimes there will be a nice deck, or a nice fire pit area, but often times cars are parked in the backyard. I don't know why? I'm sure people on New York enjoy a nice summers day just as much as people in Oregon? But, maybe they go elsewhere to enjoy it or they're less home-bodied. Either way it makes for an interesting sight.
3) Drivers drive like animals, yet give each other an extreme amount of room when stopped at a light. I constantly hear horns honking, I constantly see cars going the wrong way down a one-way lane, I constantly see close-calls. Yet, when cars are stopped at red light, there's almost a whole cars length in between them. I don't understand they thought process of driving dangerously at high speeds, yet being delicate and careful once stopped.
4) The cars aren't dirty. In Oregon you can tell when a car is new; there's a sleek layer of clear-coat, the tires are jet black, and the headlights are completely unfogged. When I first moved here I kept wondering why every car looked so nice. I'd see a 2001 Hyundai Elantra (the very car I used to drive) and it'd look 10 years newer than mine... It's because there's no dirt. There's no grass or bark on the side of the road, there's no places to go mudding, there's hardly any leaves to fall. There is no dirt, no natural residue, nothing. Nothing get's on the cars to wear them down so even cars from the early 90's look relatively fresh.
5) The temperature difference is very slight. I'm used to leaving for school in the morning in 40 degree weather and coming home in the afternoon in 60 degree weather. However, that's not the case here. In the morning (around 6:00 am) is when the day hits it's coldest. Lately it's been around 65 during the day which is my favorite. However, it doesn't drop 20 degrees over night. It only drops about 5 degrees. The humidity and the buildings keep the temperature locked in making extreme temperature fluctuations very rare.