This weekend was laid back. Emily had work to do in Philly, at home, and at work. On Friday I went to a party like normal and had a great time seeing familiar faces as well as meeting new people. We were in a 60 story building with large terraces and an amazing view. I tapped out early and went to bed around midnight. Unfortunately the cold weather is catching up with me and I'm beginning to get sick so all Saturday I slept to try to kick it to the curb -- it definitely helped.
On Sunday Emily and I made pancakes for breakfast before she left for work. Of course I smothered mine in peanut butter and syrup! It's the best way to go! Then I took a nap on the couch while "watching" Forest Gump.
I went home and picked up the apartment, did laundry while reading my accounting book, and went grocery shopping. I decided that I don't want to get tired of my rice and chick lunches, so I'm going with plain old sandwiches this week.
I went to bed very late last night because I procrastinated with my accounting homework again. However, I've been working on my school work already this morning and will be going to bed around 8:00 tonight so I can hit the gym in the mornin'.
I got to call my uncle Tracy and tell him some very exciting news last night:
I have a lot of options for school next year; I could go to NYU, UofO, Chemeketa, CWU, Colorado Mountain College, etc. The point is I can do anything. I can write, I can balance spreadsheets, I can operate a business, I can manage people, I can teach students, I can draw plans for buildings. I can do anything. However I took a second to stop thinking about how I'm going to get what I want and instead started thinking more about what I want. Honestly, I can't see myself going to work every day writing articles for a newspaper or magazine, I can't see myself drawing and developing buildings, I can't see myself punching numbers and balancing spreadsheets. I can, however, see myself being outside, teaching people, and traveling. Impossible to have as a job? False.
OSU Cascades is located in Bend, Oregon and has a major in "Tourism and Outdoor Leadership." It's a great way to learn about business and communications as well as outdoor risk management, touring other countries, and guiding others on trails.
I used to want multiple homes, millions of dollars, and extravagant everything but I've begun to realize, that doesn't strike my fancy anymore. I don't care about things. Although purchases and ownership makes some people happy, it doesn't for me. I want to travel, and hike, and teach people about trails and natural history. I want to have 4 seasons of weather and a lack of smog.
I'm greatly leaning towards OSU Cascades and I'm very excited about it. I won't be happy to be a Beaver, but I'll be happy to be in Bend.
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