I moved to New York. I live in New York. Maybe I'll stay here for another 7ish months, maybe I'll stay here for another 3 years, maybe I'll stay here forever. The important part is: I no longer feel stuck due to the opinions and judgement of others. I, and you, have a whole world of options. How dare I not challenge myself, see the scenery, change my circle, and explore all of my options. It would be ridiculous and immature of myself to stay somewhere that I didn't feel right strictly because of the potential judgement from others. This week I realized that I have options and nobody's opinion will change that fact.
This weekend was great! Emily and I got fancy Italian dinner and dessert. I had Pancetta Ravioli in a 4 cheese balsamic vinaigrette sauce. The dish was amazing. Truly, truly authentic Italian. We finished off dinner with tiramisu. I'm getting more used to the flavor of coffee, I actually enjoy it now, so the tiramisu was delicious. Mocha-y, chocolaty, fluffy, it was great.
On Saturday Emily and I ventured around our neighborhood to see what kind of shops Myrtle had to offer. 99 cent stores around every corner, small department stores, packed Hallmark stores, and puppy shops. Yes. Puppy shops. We saw puppies galore. To reward ourselves for not buying a dog, we got frozen yogurt and bubble tea. We went out with Daniel and Justine Saturday night and Sunday afternoon Justine, Daniel, and I went out to brunch. Of course I had pancakes but they weren't smothered in peanut butter and syrup this time. They were enhanced with a slice of butter and topped with fresh fruit.
Going to work today I still don't have much to do. But I do have school to learn from, I have cold air to breathe from, and I have great people to grow from. Not feeling stuck in New York allows myself to think of more options: Colorado, Washington, Oregon, London, Maine, etc. Also, spending more time with people here give me more of a hope that NYU may still be a good option for me. Regardless what I decide to do for schooling I'm going to make the decision that is best for ME. I appreciate everyone's support, suggestions, and guidance, but ultimately I will have to be the one to make my future decisions. At the end of the day it's me alone with my thoughts and my life choices. I'd like to do something that leaves me sleeping easy and excited to wake up in the morning. Until then.