Day 24 (9/7/2016)
My first and second day of work are completed! Eight hours a
day, five day a week. I’m a regular worker bee. Last night I got home from my
first day of work and wanted to head to bed (around 8pm), but I had to go
grocery shopping. I wish I still ate like crap because let me tell you, candy
and chips sound so good sometimes… but I don’t. I eat boring things like rice,
chicken, rice cakes, whole wheat sandwiches, fruit smoothies, etc. But on the weekends Emily and I go out.
We’ve decided to find a new sweets place (cookies, ice cream, cake) on
Saturday’s, and either go to breakfast or get a savory meal on Sunday’s.
Personally I like it best when we find cookies, ice cream, and sweet breakfast
foods, but she’s more into savory foods, so we keep each other balanced.
It’s interesting seeing people going back to school for
their first day of senior year today. That glorified day was only a year ago
for me, but it feels like forever. I’m trying to think of all the things that
have changed since my first day, honestly I couldn’t even think of everything
if I’ve tried. Of course there’s been loss. But there’s been so much gain.
Breonna, Emma, and I got a lot closer and had many adventures. I had the best
job in the world. I turned 18. I flushed toxic people from my life. I graduated
from high school with all my best friends. Oh yeah, and I moved to New York.
I kind of feel like a stick in the mud now to be honest.
Thinking that you know everything adds a certain amount of un-backed
confidence, but when you realize that you still have a lot to learn, it can be
kind of intimidating. But I’m ready. When I first moved here I was so culture
shocked. I was so afraid. I felt so alone. I just wanted to go back home. And
Oregon is always an option. Manhattan is an option. Upstate is an option. The
point is, I have limitless options – as does everyone else. Just because you’ve
been doing the same thing for an x amount of years doesn’t mean that you can’t
decide to change what you’re doing. (It’s funny because everything I’m saying
is what my mom told me).
I’ve just begun to realize that I’m not stuck. I have
options, I have the work ethic to execute those options, and in the words of
Frank Sinatra, “if I can make it here, I know I can make it anywhere.” I’ve
been kind of a stickler, stuck on the computer between job applications,
scholarship applications, college research, and Netflix that I feel like I need
to get out more. Emily and I are going to another NYU party on Friday and
hopefully we’ll go to this amazing looking
cookie shop on Saturday. But if Emily can’t come, then I’m going to go by
myself. She’s not here to take the place of holding my hand. She’s here to do
her thing, as am I. By June I want to go to the World Trade Center, top of the
Empire State Building, Liberty Island, a zoo, and 5 famous places to grab a
bite to eat.
I love to take pictures, I love to write about my
experiences, and I love to let everyone know what I’m up to. And as of right I’m
working and focusing on school. But don’t worry. More adventures are to come.
Beautiful Amazing girl, no not girl, woman.... You are INCREDIBLE!!! I'm so proud of and happy for you!!! I've known for a long time that you will always amaze me, and you do!!! I love you sweets!!