Friday, September 23, 2016

Day 40 (9/23/2016)

Second Day at the Gym
Again, when I woke up this morning I was trying to convince myself not to go to the gym. Saying that I needed sleep, or that I could go in the afternoon, or tomorrow morning. But once again, my desire to live a healthier lifestyle out weighed my desire for laziness.
So, unfortunately even after working out on Wednesday, I was hardly sore at all. I was disappointed in myself but then I stopped that. This was my first time in a gym in probably 10 years so I needed to get a feel for what my body could do. I lifted too light on Wednesday so today I made sure I didn't.
I started with a 20 minute cardio warm up which included 10 minutes of running. My sophomore year I could run over three miles... let's just say that isn't the case anymore. I was happy with 10 minutes but even happier knowing I could have done more.
I did legs again because if you know me you know I'm obsessed with toned quads and big legs; being that I have naturally larger legs. I stepped up every machine by 15-20 pounds and felt great! I definitely broke a sweat and pushed myself harder. My legs felt like Jell-O at the end of the workout and I was already sore. Tomorrow and Sunday I'll be even more sore, but Monday morning I'll hit the gym to work on abs and arms.
On the train to work I so desperately wanted to fall asleep. I could barely keep my eyes open. However, when I got to work I had a piece of bread with peanut better and am feeling less tired than I did at this time on Wednesday. It's a small step, but it's an improvement.
This weekend will be filled with a lot of carbs (planned bagel and noodles) as well as a lot of sugar (of course we're going to get ice cream) so I feel better going into the weekend knowing that the last few days my diet has been seamless and I worked hard in the gym. I'm going to enjoy being relaxed and eating junk food a few days (I'll post about it on Sunday). But come Monday, I'll be excited to hit the gym again.
Thanks for all the support!

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