Day 36 (9/19/2016)
I had intended to write this last night, but alas life got in the way. I had food to buy, lunches to make, laundry to do, and a smoke alarm to tackle.
This weekend was busy busy busy, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I worked out three days last week which included Friday; no going out, no parties, no lack of sleep, just another good clean day. On Saturday Emily and I got up and headed to Williamsburg. There's an even going on right now with dozens of food and ice cream tents filling the air with a fried food aroma. Heaven. We got burgers. But not just any burgers. We got burgers with noodles for the bun. The noodles were cooked to perfection, the patty had cheese, lettuce, and a sweet soy sauce on it. It was mouth watering good. After a small food coma we headed over to Williamsburg Cinema and watched a movie to kill some time and get out of the heat.
Some students from UofO that Emily knows were here for the week so we met up with them at Central Bar -- they play the Duck games and let all ages in. It was awesome to be surrounded by former Oregonians who were all intensely invested in the game... and intensely devastated in the end. Come on Ducks!
I went home rather early and had an amazing night sleep. It's consistently cooling down for the season and I couldn't be happier because that means pumpkin everything.
On Sunday's I normally wake up around 10, but instead I woke up at 8 this weekend. The only plans we had for the day was ice cream, and although I'd love to have ice cream for breakfast, the shop didn't open until noon. We decided to kill some time early on. We headed for the Financial District to find Century21 -- 65% off name brands 100% of the time. Unfortunately we couldn't find what we were looking for, so instead we grabbed a snack before walking 2 miles to get ice cream -- the dedication is real.
Okay. So. This place, called Ice and Vice, is an amazing ice cream shop but... it's located on the way outskirts of Chinatown. It's amazing nonetheless, but would have much more business in Manhattan. They're similar to Salt and Straw with their funky flavors but wayyyy better with they richness. I had a scoop of dark chocolate ganache ice cream with a scoop of sea salt vanilla ice cream in a birthday cake waffle cone. I know it sounds like a lot, because it was, but it was amazing. The texture was seamless and creamy, the ice cream was perfectly frozen so it wasn't impossible to eat without a spoon and it wasn't dripping the second it hit your hand.
I'm very health oriented, even more so recently, however I believe in balance. Everyone has tried to tell me this my whole life (shocker), but I thought everything had to be strict and restrictive. I've began to learn that it's not possible or healthy for me to say "I can only eat these specific foods and I'm only going to eat them at this specific time" because then I think about when can I eat when can I eat when can I eat. And if I were to eat food that wasn't on my list I'd feel like a failure. The point is, sugar is fine in moderation, junk is fine in moderation, couch potatoing is fine in moderation. Life is all about balance. Do what keeps your body healthy, but also do what makes you happy. Enjoy life, enjoy that ice cream, soak up that fresh air, laugh at that tv show, enjoy it all. And don't let anyone decide what "happiness" is for you.
Very nice. This is a good one sweetheart.