It's been 100 days and a lot has happened! I've cried, I've laughed, I've gotten frustrated, and I've overcome. I've conquered the subway, the LIRR, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Long Island. I've eaten loads of ice cream, dozens of pancakes, and many pieces of pizza. I've had my fare share of beer, diet peach Snapple, and Swiss Miss marshmallow hot chocolate. I've met new friends, lost old friends, and have stayed steady with best friends. I've reminisced about the past, stressed about the future, and overlooked the present. Needless to say, a lot has changed in these past 100 days. I've broadened my eating habits, I've met people from many different backgrounds, and I've learned what it's like to be young and hungry. I feel like it's okay to say that I'm proud of myself. In Salem I used to not want to go to a coffee shop, or the grocery store, or the mall, or anywhere by myself. I would always ask friends to run errands with me or I'd ask my mom to go. I used to get anxiety thinking about going anywhere public alone, yet here I am. I moved to New York by myself, I went to Manhattan with knots in my stomach by myself, I went to job interviews by myself -- all of it. It's just me. Yes, I talk to my friends and family a lot but they aren't here to physically support me or go to new places with me. They weren't here when I tried all of these new things by myself and honestly, that's huge for me. I'm proud of myself for becoming more open minded, and independent, and adventurous. Honesty, I'm doing great even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes -- that's what matters most.
I listen a lot to other people's advise, which I 1000% appreciate, but I think other people's voices are starting to muffle my own. I keep saying I want to do what *feels* right, yet I keep doing what everyone else is suggesting. I think it's time to stop always asking for advise and start actually living by what I promote.
This weekend was amazing! My friends and I went to a wild rooftop party Friday night and stayed out until 4am; I was so tired I actually fell asleep on the subway. On Saturday I went to a holiday flea market that has teamed up with Smorgasburg (the place with amazing food including the ramen burger). There was amazing food, a ton of people, and vintage clothing and nick-knacks. It was nice to explore Brooklyn a little bit because I usually only venture out in Manhattan.
My friend from Salem who now lives in Chicago is coming to NY tomorrow until Saturday. He, Abby, and I have a lot planned like the Macy's thanksgiving day parade, too much food, and a lot of dessert. I'll be sure to take a ton of pictures and post all about it this weekend.Today I'm feeling amazing. I've done laundry, completed my homework, and have cleaned the house. I didn't make it to the gym today but I didn't beat myself up about it -- I know I'm healthy and I'll make it to the gym when I don't have guests. I get to register for my winter term classes on the 2nd and am excited to be taking a variety of classes next term that will help me earn my TOL degree. I'm excited for what the next 7 months have in store for me.
👏🦃😊 you keep going. Have a great weekend with your friends. Keep writing.