Day 75 (10/28/2016)

The weekend started out Friday night at the regular frat party. Emily and I had a
very tough time deciding what costumes we'd wear this weekend for each event. Emily is obsessed with Star Wars, so we took that route. I wore a black Star Wars t-shirt with black pants, and a Darth Vader mask. She wore a white "Don't Be Basic" t-shirt that had clone wars storm troopers on it, as well as a storm troopers mask. Honestly, the masks were impossible to see out of, so we didn't really wear them. There were so many people, and costumes, and cliques at the party. It was a great time. Of course we got naan that night and left at the reasonable hour of 11 pm.
On Saturday I slept in
so long, it was amazing. Before we got food, Google had a popup store on National Cat Day that had cats and phones and goodies! We took pictures with kitties and scarfed down too many cake pops. The new Google phones have a lot of cool features like the best camera ever one a phone (literally), a fingerprint scanner on the back, and a lot of built in Google features that most people don't utilize.

We headed downtown Manhattan towards Spring Street to go to a pizza shop called "Artichoke Pizza". Due to the name of the shop, we each got a slice of artichoke pizza. Now, the pizza was so big it took up two paper plates, the crust was about an inch thick, and was covered in artichoke dip. The picture doesn't do the pizza justice. It was about the length from my mid palm to my elbow. It was warm, and creamy, and cheesy it was phenomenal... and way more than we expected.
Neither of us finished our pizza because we had stilled planned to go get ice cream.
We walked around for about a half an hour looking for dogs, watching a bird man, and looking at peoples costumes in the park. Washington Square park is in the heart of the NYU campus. A lot of students study there, a lot of performers sing or dance or draw there, and a lot of people just enjoy a stroll through the small park.

Neither of us were ready yet, but we got our ice cream. Not just any ice cream, rolled ice cream. They take basically melted ice cream, pour it over a below freezing metal sheet, mix in toppings, spread it thin, and roll it up. I got cookies and cream because that's my obsession and Emily got matcha ice cream with boba in it. Honestly, our stomachs were dying and we were definitely going into a food coma. We both took naps then had to costume plan for the next party. We decided on Tom Cruise from Risky Business because it's the easiest costume ever. The first party was at a bar, the next at a frisbee house, and back to the frat house. Long story short, we didn't go home until 6:00 in the morning on Sunday and I didn't even get my laundry done that day. The weekend was great and honestly the greatest part was realizing that spaghetti fits my weekly macros!
I meal prepped for dinner and lunch and didn't buy any groceries that I could pig out on.
I'll feeling better finally today, feeling less sick, and will have a weekend full of Christmas movies, tea, soup, blankets, and ice cream.
I thoroughly enjoy my weekends with a lot of friends and parties, but I even more so enjoy my weekends at home with a few trips out for food.
Winter is coming and Christmas is finally in the air.
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